Well in case you have not, read on, and be prepared for a smile or a good cry or how ever it is that you, o' member of Team Rally Hat, experience these things.
Here is a note from Marc written to me, probably with intent for me to paraphrase but I am just going to post up the whole note. His response comes after prompting by phone call (or was it a text?) requesting info to post and then followed by a Facebook taunt "Hey Mr.-happy-to-be-alive... I hate to pull you out of the sunshine and fresh air, but send me an email... then go back to the fresh air and sunny days. :) XOXO Am." ... when the call netted nothin.'
This was his reply with my notes or clarifications added in brackets [like so]:
"Ok here it is. I am now into remission, according to the PET scan there was still a little bit [of something] in my lumbar but the corresponding CT scan was normal. That being said I talked with the doctor about what this means, he took a look at the scans and was not convinced that there was anything there.
From here, there will be no more treatments, the UCSF doctor sent the bone marrow out and the scans to re-evaluated by specialists but said that I am currently in remission. At the time of the Bone Marrow biopsy I was nuetropenic, so they gave me a neupogene shot and told me to go to my local clinic and get a CBC [short for complete blood count, white cells/red cells/etc] done. My counts locally were normal which is great news. I am going back on thursday for another cbc and I am going to call the optomologists because my left eye is still extremely [messed] up.
I have playing a lot of golf, shot an 83 yesterday and 90 today. Spent today last night with Grandma and today, she is a blast. Other than that everything is going very well, I feeling great, still weak and tired at times but I am pushing myself pretty hard to fight both. I am ready to get back to work and hopefully that will happen within the next couple of months.
I am getting ready for the relay for life, we have several people signed up no we just need to get some fundraising done. Your mother gave me some great ideas and I am going to utilize as many of my contacts up here to get that done. [Go to http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?pg=team&fr_id=20586&team_id=748026 and click "DONATE TO THIS TEAM" to support Team Marc's fundraising efforts for the American Cancer Society].
For the most part that is all I have so far. If you have any other, more specific questions let me know. Love you tons, even though you are done, j/k. Love you.....
Anyone else thrilled?
You did it Marc and it has been an honor to be on this journey with you.
Thanks for letting us walk with you (symbolically here and those who will literally at Relay for Life Truckee) our rally hats will be close by our side ready for positive things to rally for, like a new job. I think I speak for your fans on this site and beyond when I say: we love you!!!
Posted by amber with Marc's permission.
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